Low mood and Depression

Low mood and depression are common mental health issues that can affect individuals of all ages and backgrounds. In the UK, it is estimated that one in six people will experience a common mental health disorder such as depression at some point in their lives.

Symptoms of depression can include feelings of low mood, loss of interest in activities that used to be enjoyable, negative thoughts, changes in appetite, changes in sleep patterns, and difficulty concentrating. These symptoms can significantly impact an individual's daily life and overall well-being.

If you are struggling with low mood or symptoms of depression, it is important to seek help. Talk to your doctor or a mental health professional to discuss treatment options and find a plan that works for you. There is no shame in seeking help, and taking the first step towards improving your mental health can make a big difference in your overall well-being. It is recommended that individuals seeking help for depression work with a qualified health professional, such as their GP, to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to their individual needs. This may include a combination of therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes.

Solution-focused hypnotherapy can be very helpful when dealing with symptoms of low mood and depression, especially when it comes to breaking the negative thinking cycle. Hypnotherapy involves inducing a state of deep relaxation, during which the therapist can make suggestions to the individual to help them manage their symptoms and improve their overall mood.

If you feel Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy might be for you, feel free to get in touch to book a FREE consultation.


Anxiety and Stress